Group talks &

Group talks & Presentations

We provide group talks or seminars for corporate entities or organisations

Whether it is Financial Wellbeing as part of an organisation’s wellness programme for their staff, or helpful, practical financial advice and tips, our talks or seminars are an excellent way for companies, organisations and groups to get access to helpful advice and information. Many large organisations are putting increased resources into their staff’s health and wellbeing.

We can arrange for Dave to give a talk tailored to your requirements that can include Financial Wellbeing, money-saving tips, budgeting advice, protection and retirement planning, mortgage advice, helpful information about savings & investments and some important consumer advice.

These talks can be from 20 minutes to an hour, or can be anything up to a half day workshop, depending on requirements.

For more information or to arrange a group talk or seminar, email or use our contact form below. If you are ready to may book and pay you do so here

Online or in person

FREE no obligation consultation

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